Our working team represents the tradition from a contemporary to a personal view.
The traditional technical knowledge of the stained glass craft comes together with new technological and artistic languages, with the aim to contribute with new ways to conceive the contemporary stained glass.
We have coordinated and directed teams formed by different kind of proffesionals within restauration in historic stained glass projects.
Ricardo Llopico.
Painter and stained glass artist
He studied in Fundación Centro Nacional del Vidrio, in Segovia, with the specialty in glass painting, as well as in drawing and painting in the Escuela de Arte and the Escuela de Nobles y Bellas Artes de San Eloy, in Salamanca. His artistic trajectory goes through different stages, with the drawing and the painting as the central axe in his work, and glass as his main base of his creations.
At present, he lives in Barcelona, co founding the art studio Espai Medusa, where he has been imparting drawing, painting and pictorical techniques in glass, from more than 10 years.
Pepe Cubillo.
Maestro Master Craftman Glassmaker
Trained in the Fundaciò Centre Nacional del Vidre de Barcelona. He has a trajectory of more than 20 years inside the contemporary stained glass and its restoration. He has worked in different studios, between them the Keshava Studio in Barcelona, specializing in diverse techniques as the concrete stained glass. He has participated in group and solo shows in different countries.
He lives in Pontons (Barcelona) where he created, more than 10 years ago, his own stained glass studio.